Author: hustlefitness7

Hustle Fitness

6 Things to Let Go of Today

In order to move forward and start living the life you deserve, you have to let go of the actions and mindsets that hold you back. Here are 6 things that are okay to let go of today: 1. Letting shame or guilt destroy your life. These emotions can cause a vicious cycle of despair. […]

The Best Day of Your Life

Tell me about the best day you’ve had at work. Was it a pretty easy day or were you challenged? Did you solve some sort of crisis or was it a pretty mundane type of day? Unless you hate your job and prefer days that all blend together, I’d be willing to bet that it […]

How to Never Get Bored with a Fitness Routine

I hear it all the time: “I just get bored doing the same thing so I like to mix it up.” I understand that, I really do. I’d get bored too if I had to do the same thing over and over again. Going through the motions every day without ever seeing results would suck. […]

6 Things Great Coaches Have in Common

Whether a fitness coach, professional or at a high school, all great coaches have these things in common: 1. Teachers First First and foremost, a coach is a teacher. They not only teach physical skills such as movement, coordination, and exercise protocols, but they teach metacognitive skills that help their clients improve themselves on their […]

Feeling Insecure in Vegas

My wife and I went to Las Vegas for the wedding of two Hustle members, Beth and Eric (congratulations!!!). We had a blast celebrating the union of this strong, supple, and toned couple—but I needed to remind myself that partying at weddings can sabotage any nutrition and exercise plan. And let’s not forget this was […]

Interview with Our Owner

Today we’d like to introduce you to Christopher Jakubiak. Thanks for sharing your story with us Christopher. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there. I started my fitness journey at a pretty young age. Everyone in my family was overweight, out of shape, and sick and I knew I […]


While cleaning the gym the other day I noticed something. There are a few old slam balls that have cracked open over the last couple years that I keep in the back. I can’t really use these on the floor because they leak a bit of sand but I was keeping them to use for […]

The Traveler’s Gift

The Traveler’s Gift, by Andy Andrews, tells of seven decisions that one must make in order to be successful. No matter your definition of success, these decisions will apply if you wish to be healthier, wealthier, or more skillful. The Traveler’s Gift differs from a lot of other self-development books through its use of storytelling. […]